
新しい気仙沼の中央公民館内のインテリアには、日本のデザイナーによる家具とともに、デンマークのカール・ハンセン&サン による椅子なども配置されています。ホワイエに配置されているのは、デンマークを代表するハンス J. ウェグナーが手掛けたYチェア。その奥に見えるのは、深澤直人氏がデザインしたマルニ木工のHIROSHIMAシリーズのアームチェアです。日本のデザインとデンマークデザインの品質・デザイン性の高い椅子が調和し、中央公民館に集う市民の方々の活動にさりげなく寄り添う、そのような場になっています。

Design and architecture have been one of the key elements that has been uniting Denmark and Japan over centuries.
Last year, Kesennuma, located in Miyagi Prefecture and being hit by the earthquake and tsunami in 2011, the city was rebuilding its public centre to enhance the quality of life of the local citizens in the future. While working on the concept and design for this new public center, the Mayor coincidentally spotted the tiles of the facade of the Danish Embassy in a program aired on Japanese television. The reddish tiles reminded the Mayor of sakura (cherry blossom trees) and he became inspired for the architectural project of the public center, as the area was known for cherry blossoms before tsunami. Therefore, Mayor reached out to the Embassy – and the Ambassador welcomed City Mayor in the Residence last summer.
The new central city hall got completed last year end. Inside the central city hall, citizens and visitors can experience a comfortable space, where high quality chairs designed by Hans J. Wegner placed in harmony with design by Japanese designer, Naoto Fukazawa.