
ルイスポールセン:ラウリッツェン の代表作〈ラジオハウス〉から《VLステュディオ》を復刻 / Vilhelm Lauritzen’s iconic studio lamp returns from the archives by Louis Poulsen

ルイスポールセン:ラウリッツェン の代表作〈ラジオハウス〉から《VLステュディオ》を復刻 / Vilhelm Lauritzen’s iconic studio lamp returns from the archives by Louis Poulsen


このランプのオリジナルは、〈ヴィルヘルム・ラウリッツェン〉が1930年代に手掛けた〈ラジオハウス(デンマーク・コペンハーゲン)〉で実際に使用されていたウォールランプで、今回の復刻にあたり、《VLステュディオ ウォール》と名付けられました。また、このランプを現代的に再解釈し、フロアランプとしても使用できるテーブルランプ《VLステュディオ テーブル/フロア》も開発され、同時発売されます。
1930年代後半、コペンハーゲンにあるデンマーク国営放送局(ラジオハウス)の建物 (現在はデンマーク王立音楽アカデミーが使用のために、建物の設計者ヴィルヘルム・ラウリッツェンがルイスポールセンと共同で製作したものです。このスタジオランプは、放送中かどうかを赤/緑色のランプの点灯で放送スタジオ外に示したウォールランプからちなんだ愛称で、《VLステュディオ》と命名されました。ラジオハウス内の他の空間でもこのランプは使用され、スタジオランプとは異なり、乳白のガラスシェードで温かみのある雰囲気を作り出すランプも使用されていました。
これらの照明器具は、《VL38テーブルランプ》、《VLリングクラウン》、別名ラジオハウスペンダント” として知られる《VL45ラジオハウスペンダント》と同時期にデザインされました。実際、《VLステュディオ》は、《VL45ラジオハウスペンダント》と密接に関連しています。ともに乳白のガラスシェードが採用され、外側と内側の層に光沢ある透明ガラスを用い、真ん中の乳白ガラス層をサンドイッチした三層構造です。VLステュディオ ウォール》は、オリジナルデザインにわずかながら変更が加えられ、現代の壁付仕様にフィットするデザインとなっています。ウォールランプのヘッドは、両側に最大90度に角度をつけることができ、グレアのない光と拡散光を配光します。サイズは、オリジナルサイズにならったØ150(テーブルランプと同じ)サイズで登場します。《VLステュディオ テーブル/フロア》は、ウォールランプと同じØ150サイズに加え、新たにØ250およびØ320のサイズが仲間入りします。新しい《VLステュディオ テーブル/フロア》は、その他のラウリッツェンのデザインと相性よく、組み合わせて使用すると雰囲気がより一層高まります。《VLステュディオシリーズ》は、2022年春から発売が予定されています

デザイナー ヴィルヘルム・ラウリッツェンについて
ヴィルヘルム・ラウリッツェン(1894-1984)はデンマーク建築史のなかで最も重要な建築家のひとりで、デンマーク機能主義建築の先駆者です。ノーレブロ劇場(Nørrebro Theatre, 1931-32)、デールス・デパート(Daells Varehus, 1928-35、現在のサンクトペトリホテル)、ラジオハウス(1936-41)、そしてモダニズム建築の傑作であるコペンハーゲン空港のターミナル39など、名作を多く手がけました。他にも、現在はコンサート会場ヴェガとして知られる市民会館(1953-56)、ワシントンのデンマーク大使館(Shellhuset,1958-60)が挙げられます。特にラジオハウスとコペンハーゲン空港のターミナル39はデンマークの指定建築物ともなり、ヨーロッパの建築における近代主義の象徴と言われています。



Design to Shape Light 光をかたちづくるデザイン
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After revisiting the archives of Danish architect Vilhelm Lauritzen and his 1930s Gesamtkunstwerk Radiohuset in Copenhagen, Louis Poulsen introduces an updated version of Vilhelm Lauritzen’s original studio wall lamp, as well as a modern reinterpretation for the table or floor, in spring 2022.

In the 1930s, Vilhelm Lauritzen created a complete work of art, when he designed Radiohuset as well as all the lighting for the building which accommodated the Danish Broadcasting Corporation at the time. Lauritzen created every fixture for Radiohuset that were to become no less than iconic lamps.

The studio lamp was named after its function outside the broadcasting studios in Radiohuset, where it indicated with a red or green light, whether the studio was recording. The lamp with its opal glass and white, warm light was also used around Radiohuset. It was designed in the same period as the VL38 Table lamp, the VL Ring Crown and the VL45, also known as the Radiohus pendant. In fact, the studio lamp is closely related to the Radiohus pendant, as they both emit a diffused light through three layers of mouth-blown, opal glass that spreads a very pleasant general light in their surroundings.

The VL Studio Wall lamp has been subject to minor modifications compared to the original lamp. The wall box has been adapted so the fixture can be mounted directly onto the wall, and a G9 socket now ensures even more uniform illumination. The VL Studio Wall lamp is also available in a matt black finish for a more graphic expression, as well as the classic brass version, which is slightly brushed and will develop a distinct patina over time.

The angle of the lamp head can be turned 90 degrees to each side to direct the distribution of the glare-free and diffused light. The VL Studio Wall lamp is equally suitable in the recreational areas of hotels, in retail, lounges, offices or other public spaces as it is, for instance, in the bathroom, the nursery, the dining room or in any other room in the home.

The same high-grade lighting qualities apply to Louis Poulsen’s new table and floor interpretation of the studio wall lamp, where the smallest size of Ø150 is the same as the wall version. The Ø250 and Ø320 are both new sizes and come complete with dimmers. All three sizes create outstanding ambiences on tables or when placed at lower heights or on the floor in retail concepts, Louis Poulsenrestaurant corners or windowsills, hotel rooms, corridors and boutique hotels, as well as in living rooms, bedrooms, hallways and other locations that will benefit from a cozy touch of elegant illumination.

The new VL Studio Table lamps are perfect for interior décor experiments, as they look exquisite when combined with other Vilhelm Lauritzen designs, when grouped in islands of light, and even on their own, they give satisfying new life to any space.

The VL Studio Wall lamps are available in size Ø150. The VL Studio Table/Floor lamps are available in Ø150, Ø250 and Ø320. All sizes come in matt black or in brushed brass.

The VL Studio series will be available from spring 2022.

About Vilhelm Lauritzen

Vilhelm Lauritzen is a key figure in the history of Danish architecture.Being the pioneer of Danish functionalism that he was, he createdprominent buildings like Nørrebro Theatre (1931-32), department store Daells Varehus (1928-35), the headquarters of the Danish Broadcasting Corporation, Radiohuset (1936-41), and the first airport in Kastrup (1937-39), outside Copenhagen, as well as other modern monuments later on.

Lauritzen’s strong belief that there is ‘no life without aesthetics’ is visible in all his work – be it buildings or light fittings – just as he had a principle that architecture is applied art. He understood both daylight and artificial lighting and always worked carefully on sculpting light and shade by the way he placed windows in a building for the benefit of its users. Vilhelm Lauritzen put the same thoughtfulness and diligence into his lamp designs, which combine direct illumination, and create defined shadows, with a gentler and more diffuse light that softens and shades spaces.

Lauritzen’s gift for creating an extraordinary and pleasant atmosphere with light came to life in Radiohuset, where he for the first time designed light fixtures specifically for the building, while also designing the building himself. From the mid-1940s, these fixtures could be found in Louis Poulsen catalogues, where they can still be found to this day.

About Louis Poulsen

Founded in 1874, the Danish lighting manufacturer Louis Poulsen creates products that encompass the duality of design and light. Every detail in the design has a purpose. Every design starts and ends with light. Louis Poulsen offers a range of lighting aimed at the commercial and domestic lighting markets, with illumination and solutions for both indoor and outdoor applications. In close partnership with designers, architects and other talents like Poul Henningsen, Arne Jacobsen, Verner Panton, Øivind Slaatto, Alfred Homann, Oki Sato and Louise Campbell, Louis Poulsen has established itself as one of the key global suppliers of architectural and decorative lighting and has a global presence with showrooms in Copenhagen, Miami, Oslo, Tokyo, Singapore and Dusseldorf.

Additional information is available at www.louispoulsen.com