昨年11月、駐日デンマーク王国大使館はレゴ グループと共に、「日本・デンマーク対話フォーラム:子どもたちと力を合わせて世界を作り直す」を開催しました。「循環経済と次世代を担う子どもたち」という重要なテーマに焦点を当てて新たに立ち上げたイニシアティブです。
- ピーター・タクソ-イェンセン駐日デンマーク王国大使:デンマークならではの循環経済への取り組み
- レゴ グループ 政府関連・公共業務部門(アジア・パシフィック)リズム・ミシュラ部門長:次世代を担う子どもたちと循環経済の関わりについての最新の国際的調査から得られた知見
- 東京都:50年後、100年後を見据えた未来のまちづくり~東京湾から日本の未来を創り出す~東京ESGプロジェクト
- 世田谷区立用賀中学校、ドルトン東京学園 中等部、追手門学院大手前中・高等学校、追手門学院中学校・高等学校:各校における子どもたちの持続可能な開発目標(SDGs)の取り組み
続くパネルディスカッションでは、上記プレゼンターに加え、LEGO Japanの大山 亜砂美オペレーションズ ディレクターも加わり、双方に有益な情報を共有しながら、意見交換や議論が行われました。
今回のフォーラムは、駐日デンマーク王国大使館、レゴ グループ、子どもたち、学校、教育者、政策立案者間の新たな協力関係の記念すべき立ち上げとなりました。駐日デンマーク王国大使館とレゴ グループは共に、循環経済と子どもたちというこの重要なテーマに関して対話と協力の継続に積極的に取り組んでまいります。

As Japan celebrated “Children’s Day” on May 5th, we would like to highlight a new initiative related to the theme of “Circular Economy and Youth” launched last November in this article.
On Nov 22, the Royal Danish Embassy in Japan, together with the LEGO Group, hosted “Japan – Denmark Dialogue Forum: Joining Forces with Youth to Re-Build the World.” It is a new initiative by the LEGO Group and Embassy, focusing on the important topic of circular economy and youth.
As children inherit the planet we leave behind, it is important that children are well-equipped with the necessary skillsets to build a sustainable future. Policy makers and companies have an integral role to be supportive by enabling opportunities to facilitate their involvement in tackling these challenges. Youth and their parents’ involvement and engagement also plays an essential role in circular economy and for achieving Sustainable Development Goals #SDG.
The aim of the forum was to launch an international knowledge-sharing platform with multi-stakeholders from both Denmark and Japan, including youth, schools, educators, academia, policy makers and companies.
Many sustainability related topics were discussed including:
– Danish approach for circular economy by Peter Taksoe-Jensen, Ambassador of Denmark to Japan
– Findings from recent global youth study Ms. Lizum Mishra, Senior Director, Government & Public Affairs, APAC, LEGO Group
– Tokyo Bay eSG Project by Tokyo Metropolitan Government
– Presentation by Yoga Junior High School in Setagaya ward Tokyo, Dalton Tokyo Junior and Senior High School, Otemon Otemae Junior and Senior High School in Osaka, Otemon Gakuin Junior and Senior High School in Osaka – on their own SDGs initiatives and good practices
Big thanks to Tokyo Metropolitan Government, 4 Japanese schools and also Ms. Asami Oyama, Operations Director, LEGO Japan for an interesting and informative Panel Discussion.
It was a great launch for a cooperation among the LEGO Group, Royal Danish Embassy in Japan and Japanese youth, schools, educators, academia, policy makers. Both the LEGO Group and Royal Danish Embassy in Japan are committed to continue dialogue and cooperation with Japanese stakeholders on this important topic.