
デンマークのデザインイベント 3 days of designが今年もスタート / 3 days of design in Copenhagen

デンマークのデザインイベント 3 days of designが今年もスタート / 3 days of design in Copenhagen

毎年初夏にコペンハーゲン市内にあるデザインブランドのショールームやショップ、ギャラリー、歴史的な建造物など様々な場所を会場に開催されているデザインイベント『3 days of design』が、今年はコロナ禍の影響で秋の開催、9月3日~5日の日程で、いよいよ明日から開催されます。


写真は昨年の3 days of designから、会場の一つで、16のブランドが展示を行ったHotel Charlottengorgの様子です。

3 days of design, Denmark’s annual design event, is taking place in Copenhagen this year, starting from Sep 3.  In addition to various exhibits taking place in showrooms of design brands, galleries, museums and old historical buildings in Copenhagen, this year, online programs, including the following program by Creative Denmark, is also happening. You can find more information in “Virtual Room” on 3 days of design website.

Creative Denmark, is collaborating with 3daysofdesign and Lifestyle & Design Cluster on a series of live streamed panel talks on Danish design during 3daysofdesign in Copenhagen this Friday, September 4th between 10am – 4pm DK time.

These panel talks will include an exciting mix of Danish design businesses and thought leaders, discussing different topics from Danish design classics to Danish design 2.0 and circular economy. All talks will be live streamed and also made available afterwards, both in the form of full-length recordings and short clips that can be distributed individually.

The direct links to the livestream are as follows:

10 AM – 11 AM: Certifications

11.30 AM – 12.30 PM The long shadow of the classics

1 PM – 2 PM Circular Business Models

3 PM – 4 PM Danish Design 2.0