Vol.2では、「Royal Furniture Collection」「Menu」「Ole Mathiasen」「Carl Hansen&Søn」をご紹介します。
まず玄関では、「Royal Furniture Collection」から様々な温もりを感じる家具をご覧いただきました。
「Royal Furniture Collection」が取り扱っているインテリアは、自然でオーガニックな素材を活かした製品、そしてデンマーク家具の特徴とも言える時代を問わず、永くご愛用頂ける製品が多くみられます。

FABLEWOODやSpring Copenhagenなどのブランドの木製の動物たちも来場者の方々に人気のかわいらしい製品の一つで、この玄関の空間に温もりをプラスしてくれました。

上記の写真からも見えるように、北欧では椅子やソファなどにシートパッドを着せかけるのが一般的な風習です。ネイチャーズ コレクション社製のシートパッドは、その品質で世界各国から厚い信頼が寄せられています。座り心地を良くするためだけでなく、見た目の暖かさを演出することができます。
Royal Furniture Collection 公式サイト:Royal Furniture Collection | 北欧照明・北欧家具のロイヤルファニチャー (royal-furniture.co.jp)
フラワーポット ポータブルテーブルランプ:https://royal-furniture.co.jp/product/lamps/tradition/vp9
スチールペーパーバスケット 、ログホルダー:https://royal-furniture.co.jp/product/accessories/orskov/
ショートカーリーシープスキン: https://royal-furniture.co.jp/product/accessories/natures_collection/shortcurlysheepskin/
ワーナー: https://royal-furniture.co.jp/product/furniture/werner/
玄関を奥に進むと、書斎スペースがあります。今回この書斎スペースは、Carl Hansen & Sønによる「デンマークモダン」と名付けられたコーディネートで普段のライブラリーとはまた一味違う空間になりました。
Carl Hansen&Sønは過去113年間にもわたり、最高の品質とデザインを取り扱ってきました。歴史は1900年までさかのぼり、これまでに様々なコーア・クリント(Kaare Klint)による家具を製造してきました。例えば、書斎テーブルと合わせて置かれているFaaborg Chairは107年以上前に製造されており、今現在でも人気の製品の一つです。ハンス・J・ウェグナーをはじめとする、アルネ・ヤコブセン、オーレ・ヴァンシャー、フリッツ・ヘニングセン、フィン・ユール、ボーエ・モーエンセンなどの世界で名をはせるデンマークの家具建築家がこのコーア・クリントの授業を受けてきました。そして今もなお、デンマークの若い建築家らはコーア・クリントの遺産を引き継いでいます。


AJ52 ソサイエティ・テーブルは、デンマークを代表するデザイナー、アルネ・ヤコブセンの時代を超えて評価されるデザイン手法が映える逸品です。建築家のアルネ・ヤコブセンは、コーア・クリントの学生の1人でした。 机はシンプルなものですが、ホームオフィスに合わせて完璧に測定されています。 また、最高級の革をタイトに革張り加工した天板が大きな特長となっています。テーブルは1952年に設計され、非常に限られた数のみ製作されました。 今日、生産はCarl Hansen & Sønによって継承され、細部にわたる職人技は建築家アルネ・ヤコブセンの手法から変わっていません。これまでに作成された最高のワーキングデスクの1つです。
デスクに並べられている写真や万年筆はすべて大使の私物です。ここではカタログと一緒にCarl Hansen & SønのディレクターであるMr. Knud Erik Hansenからこのイベントにご来場頂いた皆様へ宛てたレターを展示しました。
Mr. Knud Erik Hansenは次のように述べています。
「この度、世界で最高峰の家具を皆様にご覧いただけることを誇りに思います。 すべての作品には、情熱、職人技、環境への配慮に関するそれぞれの物語があり、なによりもこれらの最高品質である家具を今も手に入れることができます。 家具には1度だけではなく、幾度となく寿命を与えることができます。これ以上何を望むことができるのでしょうか。」
デスクの奥の壁に掛けられているアート作品はLene Adler Petersenによる「Forfatteren Karen Blixen」(2016年)という作品です。実はこのアート、肖像画なのです。作品名を訳すと「作家カレン・ブリクセン」、そしてこの作家はデンマークで最も有名な作家の1人です。作者の考えにより、作品はライブラリーの自然な場所に飾られています。
Carl Hansen & Søn 公式サイト:https://www.carlhansen.com/ja-jp
Arne Jacobsen 52 Desk, 1952
Frits Henningsen Coupe Sofa, 1936
Kaare Klint Easy Chair, 1935
Mogens Lassen – Egyptian Table, 1940
Kaare Klint Faaborg Chair, 1914
床に設置されたランプはNorm Architectsによってデザインされたハシラコレクションの製品です。日本の伝統的な和紙メーカーへの訪問からヒントを得ており、その名前は、柱を表す日本語に由来しています。東西の融合、伝統と現代性、美学とプロポーション、シンプルさと個性などを兼ね備えたコレクションとなっています。

MENU 公式サイト: https://store.menudesignshop.com
今回のイベントではインテリアだけでなく、Ole Mathiesenという時計も展示しました。伝統的な時計の職人技、新しいテクノロジー、美的デザインに対する高い評価を3世代にわたって維持してきたOle Mathiesenは、2008年に王室御用達のブランドとして任命されました。最初の時計は、1962年に設計されましたが、ブランド歴史は1845年にまでさかのぼります。

The design event “From the Origin of Danish Modern to Contemporary” was held on August 7, 2021 at the Danish Ambassador’s residence in Daikanyama, Tokyo.
Designed by the Pritzker winning Japanese architect Fumiko Maki, the residence is the ideal and iconic meeting place for Japanese architecture and Danish Design. When joining the event you will be able to enjoy Danish designs from pre-1950, the origins of Danish modern design, to contemporary designs in furniture, lighting, water taps, eyewear and watches. The works displayed throughout the residence include masterpieces of Danish designs, such as by Kaare
Klint, Arne Jacobsen, Verner Panton, as well as latest products designed by young talented designers such as Norm Architects and GamFratesi.
We will serialize the attractiveness and episodes of products for each partner company and brand that participated in the event. We hope that as many people as possible can enjoy the living space of the Danish Ambassador’s residence, which is not open to public usually.
This time, we’re sharing Royal Furniture Collection, Menu, Ole mathiase and Carl Hansen&Søn.
The first floor of the ambassador’s residence, which was the venue for this exhibition, consists of the entrance, library, living room, and dining room.
At the entrance, you can see various warm furniture from the “Royal Furniture Collection”.
Many of the interiors handled by the “Royal Furniture Collection” are products that make use of natural and organic materials, and products that are used permanently regardless of the times, which is a characteristic of Danish furniture.
The light blue portable lamp shown in the photo is a modern lighting that is used around the world such as restaurants and commercial spaces. In the late 1960s, this flower pot lamp became an icon of the “flower power movement (flowers, not weapons)” that appealed for the anti-Vietnam war and then it has spread all over the world.
Wooden animals are also one of the cute products that are popular with visitors, and they add warmth to the space at the entrance.
As you can see from the above picture, it is a common practice in Scandinavia to put a seat pad on a chair or sofa. The seat pads made by Nature’s Collection are highly trusted by all over the world for their quality. Not only to make it comfortable to sit on, but also to create a warm appearance.

As you can see from the above picture, it is a common practice in Scandinavia to put a seat pad on a chair or sofa. The seat pads made by Nature’s Collection are highly trusted by all over the world for their quality. Not only to make it comfortable to sit on, but also to create a warm appearance.
Royal Furniture Collection:Royal Furniture Collection | 北欧照明・北欧家具のロイヤルファニチャー (royal-furniture.co.jp)
FLOWERPOT POTABLE TABLE LAMP VP9:https://royal-furniture.co.jp/product/lamps/tradition/vp9
Steel Paper Basket:https://royal-furniture.co.jp/product/accessories/orskov/steel-paper-basket/
Log Holder:https://royal-furniture.co.jp/product/accessories/orskov/log-holder/
Spring Copenhagen:https://royal-furniture.co.jp/product/accessories/spring_copenhagen/
Fable wood:https://royal-furniture.co.jp/product/accessories/fablewood/
SHORT CURLY SHEEP SKIN: https://royal-furniture.co.jp/product/accessories/natures_collection/shortcurlysheepskin/
Werner: https://royal-furniture.co.jp/product/furniture/werner/
Proceeding through the front door, you will find the library. This time, the coordinating theme named “Denmark Modern” by Carl Hansen & Søn made the space a little different from the usual library.
Carl Hansen & Søn has been dealing with the highest quality and design for the last 113 years. They have long history since 1900 and they have been producing a variety of Kaare Klint furniture. For example, the Faaborg Chair, which sits next to a study table, was manufactured over 107 years ago and is still one of the most popular products today. World famous Danish furniture architects such as Hans J. Wegner, Arne Jacobsen, Ole Wanscher, Fritz Henningsen, Finn Juhl and Børge Mogensen had lectures by Kaare Klint. In addition, young Danish architects are studying the heritage of Kaare Klint even nowadays.

A coupe sofa that was announced in 1936 by Fritz Henningsen, a leading Danish furniture craftsman, and reproduced in 2019. Sofa made of soft leather are one of the products that you can enjoy aging beautification.

The AJ52 Society Table shows the timeless design by Danish designer Arne Jacobsen. Architect Arne Jacobsen was one of Kaare Klint’s students. The desk is simple, but it has perfectly measured for your home office. The table was designed in 1952 and made in a very limited number. Today the production has been re-initiated by Carl Hansen & Søn and all the details and the craftsmanship remain unchanged from the hands of architect Arne Jacobsen.
The photos and fountain pens on the desk are all personal belongings of the ambassador. Here, along with the catalog, we exhibited a letter from Carl Hansen & Søn’s director, Knud Erik Hansen, to all the visitors.
Knud Erik Hansen said:
“I am particularly proud to present you with a small issue of our complete programme of the best furniture in the world today. Every piece comes with a story of passion, craftsmanship, concern for the environment and not least the highest quality obtainable. The furniture lasts for several lifetimes and what more can you wish for.”
The artwork hanging on the back wall is “Forfatteren Karen Blixen” (2016) by Lene Adler Petersen. Actually, this art is a portrait. The title means that “Writer Karen Blixen”, and this writer is one of Denmark’s most famous writers.
Carl Hansen & Søn:https://www.carlhansen.com/ja-jp
<Product list>
Arne Jacobsen 52 Desk, 1952
Frits Henningsen Coupe Sofa, 1936
Kaare Klint Easy Chair, 1935
Mogens Lassen – Egyptian Table, 1940
Kaare Klint Faaborg Chair, 1914
In the living room, we exhibited sofas, lamps and tables by the design company MENU, which was established in 1979.
The soft, minimalist sofa is sized for use in restaurants and hotels, but can also be used at home as an alternative to benches and traditional dining chairs. It is a permanent design that allows for a delicate balance that makes furniture stand out, while being designed to fit seamlessly into the space. You can freely enjoy the composition of the sofa by combining different parts.
Floor lamps are a product from the Hashira collection designed by Norm Architects. Inspired by a traditional Japanese paper maker. The name comes from the Japanese word for pillar. It is a collection that combines east and west design, tradition and modernity, aesthetics and proportions, simplicity and individuality.

The Hou Chilagu designed by Nina Bruun is a classic yet luxuriously woven ribbed pattern from cotton and tencel for a tactile finish. Timeless colors can be combined with any interior style to add elegance and warmth to the space.
The products on the lounge table and the two chairs are the ambassador’s personal belongings. MENU’s products, which make use of various materials, have a practical and sophisticated design, which gives a clean impression that fits into existing interiors no matter where they are placed.
The 12 graphics that were especially popular this time are displayed in a corner of this living room. It is a work called “Masse og Orden” (2013) by Søren Andreasen.

MENU: https://store.menudesignshop.com
At this event, not only the interior but also a watch called Ole Mathiesen was exhibited. The brand have a great reputation for traditional watch craftsmanship with new technology and aesthetic design for three generations. Therefore, Ole Mathiesen was appointed as a royal warrant brand in 2008. The first watches were designed in 1962, but the brand’s history dates back to 1845.

Ole Mathiesen: https://olemathiesen.dk/
Photos from the design event by: Steffen Kloster Poulsen