
1 北欧デザインの巨匠、フィン・ユールの魅力
2 必見!織田コレクション
3 座って体感
第1章 デンマークの椅子
1 デンマーク・デザインのはじまり
2 デザインの父、コーア・クリント
3 家具職人組合と展示会
4 FDBモブラー、デンパルマネンテ
5 デザイナーたちの挑戦
第2章 フィン・ユールの世界
1 初期
2 フォルムの探求
3 生産性への挑戦
4 フィン・ユール邸
5 アメリカでの活躍
6 建築、インテリアデザインの仕事
7 実験、模索
8 1960年代以降
第3章 デンマーク・デザインを体験する

会場:東京都美術館 ギャラリーA・B・C
休室日:月曜日、9月20日(火) ※ただし9月19日(月・祝)は開室
主催:公益財団法人東京都歴史文化財団 東京都美術館
協力:Onecollection A/S / House of Finn Juhl、デニッシュインテリアス株式会社、カール・ハンセン&サンジャパン株式会社、フリッツ・ハンセン、スカンジナビアンリビング、ルイスポールセンジャパン、レ・クリント
お問い合わせ:東京都美術館 03-3823-6921
展覧会公式サイト: https://www.tobikan.jp/finnjuhl
Denmark—a design superpower that produced iconic high-quality furniture designs from the 1949s to ‘60s. Among Danish designers, Finn Juhl (1912-1989) stands out for his design of exceptionally original and beautiful furniture. His chairs, with their characteristic elegant curves, have won acclaim for their sculptural appearance.
This exhibition will trace the history of Danish furniture design to reveal the background from which Juhl’s innovative works sprang. The exhibition will make evident the excellence of his designs which, while modern, fit the body comfortably. The chair—a piece of furniture supporting many aspects of daily life. By looking at chairs at a time when a global pandemic has forced us to rethink how we live and work, the exhibition will offer critical insights into comfortable living.
- Finn Juhl, master of Nordic design
Danish architect and furniture designer Finn Juhl stands out, even among Danish designers, for his design of exceptionally beautiful chairs. Sofa-like rounded form, smooth armrests fitting the arm, crisply slender legs—in every respect they display Juhl’s aesthetic as a designer who studied architecture and loved art. Through the chairs of Finn Juhl and Denmark, we invite you to discover the contemporary beauty and appeal of Nordic design. - The Oda Collection
The Oda Collection, publicly owned by the town of Higashikawa, Hokkaido, consists of 20th-century furniture and household items long collected for research by chair researcher ODA Noritsugu. Now, the world-renowned Oda Collection will appear in Tokyo for the first time ever. Featured will be an astounding variety of chairs, from rare prototype chairs to the finest masterpieces of the genre. - View and appreciate chairs. Then sit on them
After viewing may chairs, you will want to try sitting on one. A space will be offered for viewers to sit in various Danish chairs and experience their design. Chairs born from the creative imagination of Finn Juhl and other fine Danish designers—sit in each and let its spirit enfold you.
Period: July 23 (Sat) – October 9 (Sun), 2022Venue: Gallery A・B・C
Closed: Mondays, September 20 (Open the Monday of September 19)
Hours: 9:30 – 17:30 (Last admission 17:00)Organized by
Organized by: Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum operated by
Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture
Supported by: Royal Danish Embassy
Special Cooperation with: The Town of Higashikawa (Hokkaido), Oda Collection Organization, Asahikawa Furniture Industry Cooperative, Designmuseum Danmark, Wilhelm Hansen Fonden
Cooperation with: Onecollection A/S / House of Finn Juhl, Danish Interiors Co., Ltd., Carl Hansen & Søn Japan K.K., FRITZ HANSEN, Scandinavian Living Company A/S, Louis Poulsen Japan Ltd., LE KLINT
Grant support: The Kao Foundation for Arts and Sciences, THE ASAHI SHIMBUN FOUNDATION
Special WEB Site: https://www.tobikan.jp/finnjuhl
Telephone Inquiry: TEL 03-3823-6921(Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum)