雑誌ELLE DECOR(エル・デコ)が毎年選出するデザイン賞「エル・デコインターナショナルデザインアワード(EDIDA)」にちなんだエル・デコ日本版独自の賞、ヤング・ジャパニーズ・デザイン・タレント賞に、石河泰治朗(Taijiro Ishiko)氏が選ばれました。
石河氏は、デンマークと京都に事務所を持つDesign Studio Lars Vejenで、デンマークのデザイナーLars Vejenのもとインターンシップ(2016-2017)を行い、京都工芸繊維大学でデザインの修士課程を修了しました(2018年)。その後、Taijiro Ishiko Designを設立(2018)し、現在は京都を拠点にプロダクトデザインやアートディレクションなど様々なプロジェクトに携わっています。


■エル・デコ インターナショナル デザイン アワード(EDIDA)とは?
デザイン界のアカデミー賞とも称される、ELLE DECOR(エル・デコ)選出によるデザイン賞。デザイナー、チェア、家具、ベッド、照明、バスルーム、ファブリック、キッチン、テーブルウェア、床材、壁材、アウトドアなど全15部門にわたって、その年の最も優れたデザイナーやプロダクトが各国版の編集長の投票によって選出されます。石河氏が受賞したヤング・ジャパニーズ・デザイン・タレント賞は、毎年この国際的なデザイン賞、EDIDAのノミネーションの時期に合わせて、エル・デコ日本版が独自に選出、授与する賞です。
Mr. Taijiro Ishiko was selected for the Young Japanese Design Talent Award. The Young Japanese Design Talent Award is an award that the Japanese edition of Elle Decor independently selects and presents every year in conjunction with the nomination period of an international design award EDIDA.
Mr. Ishiko conducted an internship (2016-2017) under Danish designer Lars Vejen at Design Studio Lars Vejen, which has offices in Denmark and Kyoto, and completed a master’s degree in design at Kyoto Institute of Technology (2018). Year). After that, he founded Taijiro Ishiko Design (2018) and is currently involved in various projects such as product design and art direction based in Kyoto.

Mr. Ishiko presented Danish and Japanese design at an event at the Danish Embassy and Ambassador’s Residence around August last year.
Please see below for the state of the event.
Report from Danish Design Event: From Origins of Danish Modern to Contemporary Vol.1
The float chair introduced with the award is sold by a Danish brand called Motarasu.
Motarasu is a brand that combines designers from Denmark and designers from Japan in one brand, and is a novel brand that blends the design styles of both countries aiming for simple, beautiful and high quality.

This float chair realizes a new sitting comfort of floating feeling by the springiness of steel with only the minimum necessary components. The wooden backrest is designed to float only with the steel that extends from the armrests. It is a dining chair with a simple design, timeless and gives a high compatibility with Japanese living spaces.
You can see more works by Mr. Ishiko here.
■ What is the Elle Decor International Design Award (EDIDA)?
It is a design award selected by Elle Decor, which is also called the Oscars of the design world. The most outstanding designers and products of the year are selected by the votes of the editors-in-chief of each country’s editions in a total of 15 categories such as designers, chairs, furniture, beds, lighting, bathrooms, fabrics, kitchens, tableware, flooring, wall coverings, outdoors, etc. The Young Japanese Design Talent Award, which Mr. Ishikawa received, is an award that the Japanese edition of Elle Decor independently selects and presents every year in conjunction with the nomination period of an international design award EDIDA.