デザインイベント「デーニッシュモダンの起源から最新のデザインまで」 Vol.3
最終回となる今回は、Vola、Gubi、Lindberg、Scandinavian Livingが取り扱うブランドをご紹介します。

どんな環境にも違和感なく溶け込む新作のRS11は、手指消毒液、泡タイプ、石鹸・ジェルタイプのディスペンサーとして、また自立型、壁掛け型、テーブル置き型にもなる変幻自在な製品です。 VOLAのプロダクトは、すべての機能を隠しながらも完璧で繊細な作りであり、置く場所を選ばないシームレスなデザインなので、あらゆるシーンで活躍します。容量も1リットルと、美しいながらも機能性に長けています。すべてのディスペンサーは、環境保護の観点から充電式電池を推奨しており、4本の単三電池で作動します。デザインを邪魔する金具などがないスリムなデザインで、中身を入れ替えるときにはマグネットで蓋をあけることができます。
世界の革新的なインテリアアイテムが選ばれるドイツのIconic Award 2022ではBest of Best賞を受賞し、衛生管理のための完璧なデザインとして再度世界で広く認知されるようになりました。ご来場のお客様の中には、照明器具と間違えられた方もいらっしゃるほど、非常にエレガントで革新的、そして高品質なアイテムです。
VOLAの他の製品同様、VOLA RS11は耐久性を重視した設計で、最高品質の素材を使用して製造されています。シンプルなつくりは、操作時の衝撃や破損を確実に防ぎ、腐りやすい電子部品を使用しないことでより長い耐久性を実現しています。すべての部品はVOLAが保有しているため、部品の入手・交換が容易となり、長年にわたって使用することができます。
VOLA RS11 Hands-free gel, foam and soap dispenser:https://dk.vola.com/on-design/new-vola-rs11/
レセプションエリア左手には、壁面のアート作品と一緒にラウンジチェアとフロアランプのちょっとしたスペースが、そしてレセプションエリアからリビングルームを抜けて、大使公邸内の庭園へ出ると、たくさんの椅子が置かれています。いずれもGUBIのBeeltleシリーズのアイテムです。GUBIは大胆かつエレガントな家具、照明器具、インテリアオブジェに関するデザイン、開発、販売元として知られるデンマークのデザインハウスです。過去に作られたアイコニックな製品や現代的なクラシックな製品などを取り扱っています。今回のイベントでは、有機的かつ印象的なフォルム、抜群の座り心地、無限の可能性を秘めたBeetle のラウンジチェアと、2021年にシリーズに新たに加わったアウトドア用のチェアが登場しました。


Beetleはカラーバリエーションも豊富です。シンプルな形状は、お好みの張地を選ぶことで、創造性や個性を引き出すのに理想的です。快適でありながらダイナミックなデザインのビートルチェアは、家庭でも職場でもさまざまな環境に適しています。大使公邸では、質感・材質の異なるBeetle Chairを庭園と室内の2つのシチュエーションで展示しました。

庭にディスプレイされたアウトドア用のBeetleは、2021年新たにデビューしたビートルチェア アウトドアエディションというアイテムで、美しい形状はそのままに耐久性を実現。成形ポリプロピレンシェルに特別な添加剤を施し天候による劣化や色褪せに耐久性をもたせました。国際的安全規格BIFMA認定。自宅、職場、パブリックスペースなどあらゆる場面に適した堅牢性を備え、室内屋外問わずボーダレスにお使い頂けるアイテムです。カラーはニューベージュとアラバスタホワイトの2色展開。ベース部分との色バランス、自然への溶け込みを考慮したニュートラルカラーです。

Multi-Lite Floor Lamp https://shop.gubi.com/products/multi-lite-floor-lamp?variant=39414201254042
Gräshoppa Floor Lamp https://shop.gubi.com/products/grashoppa-floor-lamp
Beetle Dining Chair – Un-Upholstered,Conic base https://shop.gubi.com/products/beetle-dining-chair-seat-upholstered-conic-base?variant=39580897545
Beetle Dining Chair – Un- Upholstered,Plastic base, Monochrome, Outdoor https://shop.gubi.com/collections/seating
F.A. 33 Wall Mirror – 70×146 https://shop.gubi.com/products/f-a-33-wall-mirror-70×146

ちなみに上記の写真でリンドバーグのアイウェアの左上の壁面にあるアート作品はKirstine Roepstorffによる 《Uden titel、2013年》です。
Kirstine Roepstorffは画像をコピーし、拡大縮小し、切り取り、合成し、コラージュにすることでニュースなどから得たイメージを「カスタマイズ」しています。完成したイメージの個々のパーツは認識できるように見えますが、新しい物語や意味を生み出す余地があるように組み合わされており、Roepstorffは既存の要素や日常的な文化から作品を構成しています。
J39チェア – ( 家具 | チェア ) :
1947年、Børge Mogensen(ボーエ・モーエンセン)がFDB(生協)の家具デザイナーとして活躍していた際に作られたシェーカースタイルのダイニングチェア。彼の目指した「簡素で誠実なデザイン」が良く表現されています。シンプルなデザインなので、どんなスタイルの部屋でも合わせやすいデザインです。半世紀経っても色あせないデザインは、ダイニングルームの空間を着席した目線で楽しむのにも適した椅子でした。大使が普段大切なお客様をお迎えして会食等を行うダイニングテーブルに、洗練された素材のチェアがあたたかい雰囲気を添えていました。そして素晴らしい座り心地は、ゆったりと食事を楽しむのに最適です。

こちらの写真には、J39と一緒に、壁面のアートが映っています。こちらは展示会中、家具をご覧いただいた皆様に同じく人気だったアート作品の一つRune Bosseによる《3 værker、2016年》です。3つの連絡で、それぞれセリ科のエゴポディウムポダグラリア、キク科アルテミシア、アブラナ科アブラナ等の植物がモチーフとなっています。作品は、収集した植物を塩素溶液の中に入れ、青白く透明になるまで浸すことでその物理的な形を残しました。そして、そのまま植物を写真に収めました(そのため、背景は黒くなっています)。その後、マットな写真用紙にプリントすることで、黒の中に空間が生まれ、植物はガラスの向こう側で自由に浮遊するようになります。こうして物理的ではない何かを物理的に顕在化させる形で表現しました。Bosseは作品を通じて、写真が現実の表現としての信頼性を失っている現在、私たちがどのように「記憶」を作り、維持するかを探っています。
更に、リビングルームには今回”The Chair”と呼ばれるPP503も登場。1960年アメリカ大統領選の際、ジョン・F・ケネディ氏とリチャード・ニクソン氏が腰掛け、テレビ討論会を行ったことにより世界的に注目を集めることとなります。当時腰に悩みを抱えていたケネディ元大統領が、背中がとても楽にサポートされ、その快適な座り心地に感心し、「これぞ椅子の中の椅子、特別な椅子」という意味から「The chair!」と呼んだとされたことをきっかけに、ザ・チェアという愛称で呼ばれるようになった特別なアイテムです。

スカンジナビアンリビング公式: http://www.scandinavian.co.jp/
この度は、デザインイベント「デーニッシュモダンの起源から最新のデザインまで」の後日レポートを最後までお読みいただきありがとうございました。また皆様にお目に掛かれる日を楽しみにしております。Vi ses!
Report from Danish Design Event: From Origins of Danish Modern to Contemporary Vol.3
The design event “From the Origin of Danish Modern to Contemporary” was held on August 7, 2021 at the Danish Ambassador’s residence in Daikanyama, Tokyo.
Designed by the Pritzker winning Japanese architect Fumiko Maki, the residence is the ideal and iconic meeting place for Japanese architecture and Danish Design. When joining the event you will be able to enjoy Danish designs from pre-1950, the origins of Danish modern design, to contemporary designs in furniture, lighting, water taps, eyewear and watches. The works displayed throughout the residence include masterpieces of Danish designs, such as by Kaare Klint, Arne Jacobsen, Verner Panton, as well as latest products designed by young talented designers such as Norm Architects and GamFratesi.
We serialized the attractiveness and episodes of products for each Partner Company and brand that participated in the event. We hope that as many people as possible can enjoy the living space of the Danish Ambassador’s residence, which is not open to public usually.
In this final issue, we are sharing Vola, Gubi, Lindberg and Scandinavian Living in the following sections.
When you enter the ambassador’s residence, the Queen of Denmark, Margrethe II, greets you.

When you enter the ambassador’s residence, the Queen of Denmark, Margrethe II, greets you. Placed next to her is a stylish welcome item, a VOLA hand sanitiser (RS11), which is unique in this day and age.
VOLA is a Danish manufacturer specialising in water fittings since 1955. In 1961, VOLA’s owner, Verner Overgaard, approached Arne Jacobsen with a concept for a completely new faucet design. Jacobsen realised that he could develop something new by combining his functional approach with this proposal, and from there the simple, concise VOLA design of today was born. Since Jacobsen’s passed away in 1971, the company has established itself as an international brand, upholding its original principles of good design and functionality. In Japan, the brand is used not only in residences, but also in numerous hotels, restaurants, shops and hair salons. The bathroom fittings in the Ambassador’s residence are also applied VOLA’s products.
A perfect fit for any environment, the RS11 is a transformable product that can be used as a dispenser for hand sanitiser, foam and soap/gel types. This product is perfect and delicately crafted while concealing all functions and making them suitable for all occasions. With a capacity of 1 litre, they are beautiful yet functional. VOLA RS11 won the Best of Best award at the Iconic Award 2022 in Germany, where the world’s most innovative interior design items are selected.
The item is so elegant, innovative and of such high quality that some event visitors have mistaken it for a floor lamp. Like all VOLA products, the VOLA RS11 is designed for durability and manufactured using the highest quality materials. The simple construction ensures that it is protected from shocks and damage when you use them and the absence of corrosive electronic components ensures longer durability. All parts are held by VOLA, which makes parts easy to obtain and replace, ensuring many years of use.
The design of the product is simple and sustainable, which ensures lasting beauty, but also a quality impression in any environment.
Official website: https://dk.vola.com/
VOLA RS11 Hands-free gel, foam and soap dispenser: https://dk.vola.com/on-design/new-vola-rs11/
To the left of the reception area is a small area of lounge chairs and floor lamps, along with artwork on the walls. And, there are plenty of chairs from the reception area through the living room and out into the gardens of the ambassador’s residence. All are items from GUBI’s Beetle series. GUBI is a Danish design house known for designing, developing and distributing bold and elegant furniture, lighting and interior objects. The range includes iconic products from the past and contemporary classics. The event featured the Beetle lounge chair, with its organic and striking form, exceptional seating comfort and endless possibilities, as well as the outdoor chair, a new addition to the range for 2021.

The chair was developed by the Danish-Italian design duo Gamfratige, who were inspired by beetles.

Looking at the characteristic elements of the beetle – shape, shell, stitching, outer hardness and inner softness – they constructed the seat with a polypropylene resin shell. Plus, elegant conical metal legs add more lightness to the design. These low and comfortable proportions also make the chair ideal for sitting curled up for long time sitting. Beetle is also available in a wide range of colours. The simple shape is ideal for creativity and individuality, with the choice of upholstery fabric of your choice. With its comfortable yet dynamic design, the Beetle chair is suitable for a variety of environments, both at home and at work. At the Ambassador’s residence, the Beetle Chair in different textures and materials was displayed in two situations, one in the garden and one indoors.

From there, you enter the garden at the back, which is furnished with a number of chairs from GUBI. GUBI is a Danish design house known for its design, development and distribution of bold and elegant interior objects. The outdoor Beetle chair displayed in the garden is the newly debuted Beetle Chair Outdoor Edition for 2021, which offers durability while maintaining its beautiful shape. The moulded polypropylene shell has been treated with a special additive to resist weather deterioration and fading under BIFMA-certified for international safety standards.

Robust and suitable for all situations at home, at work and in public spaces, this item can be used both indoors and outdoors without borders. Available in two colours: new beige and alabaster white. The neutral colours are designed for colour balance with the base and to blend in with nature. In addition to the Beetle Chair, two different floor lamps and mirrors were also displayed. For more information, see the product list below.
Official website: https://www.gubi.com/
Multi-Lite Floor Lamp https://shop.gubi.com/products/multi-lite-floor-lamp?variant=39414201254042
Gräshoppa Floor Lamp https://shop.gubi.com/products/grashoppa-floor-lamp
Beetle Dining Chair – Un-Upholstered,Conic base https://shop.gubi.com/products/beetle-dining-chair-seat-upholstered-conic-base?variant=39580897545
Beetle Dining Chair – Un- Upholstered,Plastic base, Monochrome, Outdoor https://shop.gubi.com/collections/seating
F.A. 33 Wall Mirror – 70×146 https://shop.gubi.com/products/f-a-33-wall-mirror-70×146
From the garden back to the official residence, we move on to the dining room with a large table.
In the dining room, an exhibition of eyeglasses was on display. Danish eyewear brand LINDBERG’s designs have won a number of prestigious design awards.
Underlying the brand philosophy is the Danish design tradition of understated, classic elegance and thoughtful simplicity. LINDBERG frames create an outstanding visual impact through a unique blend of patented technology and individual quality, without compromising on detail.

LINDBERG is also particular about materials. Only carefully selected materials are used to create timeless elegance, exceptional durability and outstanding visual impact. These materials include titanium, acetate, gold, platinum and diamonds. Each LINDBERG frame is individually hand-finished using a combination of unique materials, proprietary manufacturing techniques and the best craftsmanship. Each frame is customised to your personal preferences and is given an individual production number at the end.
Official website: https://lindberg.com/ja
The artwork pictured above is Uden titel, by Kirstine Roepstorff in 2013. Kirstine Roepstorff ‘customises’ images from the news and other sources by copying, scaling, cropping, combining and collaging images. The individual parts of the finished image appear recognisable, but are combined in such a way that there is room for new narratives and meanings. Roepstorff constructs her work from existing elements and everyday culture.
Scandinavian Living is a brand that handles furniture and solid wood flooring by some of the world’s leading Danish designers.
J39 chair – (Furniture | Chairs)
The J39 chair is a Shaker-style dining chair created by Børge Mogensen in 1947 when he was working as a furniture designer. It is a good example of the ‘simple and honest design’ he aimed for. The simplicity of the design makes it easy to match any style of room. The design has not faded after half a century and the chairs were ideal for enjoying the dining room space from a seated perspective.
These three art works set is one of the most popular pieces during the exhibition, 3 værker by Rune Bosse in 2016.

These three art works set is one of the most popular pieces during the exhibition, 3 værker by Rune Bosse in 2016.
The plants in each of the three pieces hanging in the dining room are based on the Egopodium podagralia (Sericeae), Artemisia (Asteraceae) and Brassica (Brassicaceae).
The artworks were created by placing the collected plants in a chlorine solution and soaking them until they turned pale and transparent, thus preserving their physical form. The plants were then photographed as they were. Subsequent printing on matte photo paper creates space in the black. In this way, something non-physical is expressed in a form of physical manifestation, and through her work Bosse explores how we create and maintain ‘memory’ at a time when photography has lost its credibility as a representation of reality.
Also in the living room is the PP503, know as ‘The Chair’ these days. This came to international attention during the 1960 US presidential election, when John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon sat in it during the televised debates. Former President Kennedy, who was suffering from back problems at the time, was so impressed by the comfort of the chair, with its very easy back support, that he called it “The chair”.

Proceeding from the dining room to the terrace, you are led into a space furnished with Ocean Series outdoor interior. This series is a reissue by Plastix of a design from 1955. The chairs and tables have been modified as not to destroy the original design. They are made from recycled marine waste and approximately 960 grams of marine waste plastic is used per one Ocean Chair. The product is simple and refreshing, made from sustainable materials, but the curve of the backrest fits the body just right so making it a very comfortable outdoor interior. For more information, see the website of mater (materdesign.com).
Official website: http://www.scandinavian.co.jp/
Thank you for taking the time to read this report series on the design event ‘From the origins of Danish Modern to the latest designs’ to the end. We look forward to seeing you all again. Vi ses!